UK-China impact festival and exposium

UK-China impact festival

On Tuesday 8th November the UMBRELLA team was invited to be part of the first UK-China festival of science. This is event showcased the latest research being jointly developed collaboratively between both nations with the UMBRELLA-BETR project specially invited to showcase some of the latest cutting-edge work in the impact of climate change arena.

The event itself was a huge success bringing together prominent scientists from many different scientific fields, politicians and funding agencies from both countries to highlight the continuing importance of joint UK and Chinese scientific innovation.

Our project, Biosphere Evolution, Transitions & Resilience (BETR) is a joint programme between the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The aim of the BETR programme is to advance understanding of the evolution of the biosphere by integrating excellent palaeoscience (e.g. palaeontology, geochemistry, geochronology and phylogenomics) and cutting edge modelling.  A major component of the BETR programme will be undertaken under the ‘Understanding Monsoon and Biodiversity Relevant to Landscapes and Livelihoods in Asia’ (UMBRELLA) project. The broad aim of this project is to better understand the evolution of the climate and ecosystem throughout S.E. Asia during the last 65 million years applying outcomes that can help us understand what might happen in our warming world, and develop initiatives to better conserve biodiversity across the planet.

For more information about UMBRELLA please visit here

Umbrella project promo.

BETR join Joint NERC-CAS project investigating the evolution mechanisms behind changes in the East Asian monsoon and biodiversity.

(Video: Promotional video for UMBRELLA producd by the UMBRELLA project team).

We wish to thank our funding agencies: NERC, NSFC

Project partners:  University of Bristol, Open University (UK); Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS, Sun Yat-sen University, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, CAS, Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS”

Translation coming soon.