11th October – Was our last day in the Ailaoshan mountain region. An early morning start meant lots more leaf preparation. Normally this would not have been a problem however many of the team were nursing some hangovers, in particular Alex Farnsworth, Jan Peter Mayser who stayed up into the early hours of the morning …
2nd fieldwork trip – Part 2 (11th Oct – 20th Oct 2017)

2nd fieldwork trip – Part 1 (6th Oct – 10th Oct 2017)

6th October – The second field work in Yunnan is now in full swing with several members of team UMBRELLA (Bob Spicer, Teresa Spicer, Alex Farnsworth and Jan-Peter Mayser) from the UK flying out to meet up with Su Tao (accompanied with some of his students in tow). After a bit of an eventful 4 …
UMBRELLA project team

Biosphere Evolution, Transitions & Resilience (BETR) is a joint programme between Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The aim of the BETR programme is to advance understanding of the evolution of the biosphere by integrating excellent palaeoscience (e.g. palaeontology, geochemistry, geochronology and phylogenomics) and cutting edge …
UMBRELLA group science

The Asian Monsoon System is a major feature of the Earth’s climate, directly impacting half the human population of the world. The impact of the monsoon on the supply of water and food, and on the flora, fauna, and ecosystems, significantly contributes to the economy of the region. Moreover, large parts of China are noted …
UMBRELLA project

Background Understanding the changes in vegetation and biodiversity in SE Asia, one of the worlds biodiversity hotspots, has been frustrated by a lack of accurately dated fossil biotas (Böhme et al., 2013). Moreover in Asia any such biotic change inevitably is seen through the lens of monsoon evolution (e.g. Favre et al., 2015), which is …
First fieldwork visit- Yunnan, China 10/07/17 – 26/07/17

Some of the UMBRELLA project group, Yunnan, Mt Laojun. 16/07/2017 This July we set out for our first field visit to China with great excitement, especially after seeing recent pictures from the various field sites and the beautiful location of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden from the kick off meeting held in Bristol in late …
Offical university cooperation between XTGB-Bristol University
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